building loving worlds through loving words + art
The Poartry Project
The Poartry Project is
creating with the energy of language as a force of good to reveal, express & empower the beauty & magic of our world & lives through loving words, art & illumination
How we choose to use words and visuals matters. Our choice of what types of words and visuals we choose to ingest and invest in matters. How media, leaders, politicians, filmmakers, celebrities, businesses, tech platforms choose to wield words and visuals matters. The divisive world we are currently experiencing is built of our choices.
The Poartry Project empowers lives of all ages to choose differently through the practice of “poartry”.
“Poartry” is the art and act of consciously voicing the power and energy of words and visuals artfully and heartfully for good. Each act of “poartry” brings an active dose of loving energy and substance of care into the heart of our lives, community and world. These acts matter. They make a difference. They accumulate. They give voice to good amidst the “cacophony of catastrophe” that gets the louder voice. Every coming together of poets and artists consciously sharing in positive “poartry” through Voicing Art contributes to transforming and healing the damaging ocean and atmospheres of diminishing, destructive words and visuals of despair that demoralize and devitalize the spirit of our humanity.
The Poartry Project gives poets, artists, readers, creators, educators, learners and appreciative word- and art-lovers of all ages and backgrounds enrichingly tangible opportunities to experience, share and contribute more love in the world as a force of good through inclusive community Voicing Art programs and experiences that bring the exploration and energy of words, art and nature together as loving acts.
Voicing the Art + Cartography of the Unseen:
Illuminating poetry, art, books + TV by JC | The Poartry Project
Voicing Art Poetry Reading Series:
Bimonthly inclusive community art-inspired poetry reading series
Voicing Art Open Studio Thursdays:
Weekly free online creative gatherings open to all
Voicing Nature’s Art Plein Air Poetry of Nature Walks:
Bimonthly free all-ages poetry adventure hikes
Voicing Art for Schools, Teachers and Learners:
Playing with Poetry, Voicing Our He(Arts)
Voicing Art Curriculum Consultancy:
Custom multidisciplinary enrichment curriculum development for STEM, STEAM, summer camps and after-school programs with poetry and art at the heart of experiential learning
Voicing Art for Museums, Arts Centers, Arts Councils and Galleries:
Experience the Joy of Creating Art-Inspired Poetry Workshops
Voicing Art for Parks, Botanical Gardens, Arboretums and Outdoor Spaces:
Plein Air Poetry and Art of Nature Walks
Voicing the Art of Nature Workshops + Poetry Readings
Voicing Art for Elders:
Certified Creative Aging Art-Inspired Poetry Programs
Voicing the Heart of Art:
Playing with Palette Knife Workshops
Voicing the Art of Ourselves and Our World:
Writing Art- and Nature-Inspired Abstract Poetry 10-Month Workshop Series
Voicing Art for Authors:
Book Doula Editorial Service for Birthing Books of Good
Voicing the Art of Books:
Golden Threads of Good Books Club
Voicing Art for Retreats:
Liberating Our Creativity, Healing Our World
Voicing the (He)Art of Communities We Love:
Loving Heart of Healthy Communities Initiative
Free Little Poetry
Featured Special Event!
ekphrastic poetry on the theme of ‘black-&-white’/polarity
in response to pen & ink art by Ukraine teens
April 29th, 2-3 pm US eastern time
April – June
Member Group Art Exhibit: The Art of Poetry
Now – May 13
Group Art Exhibit: A Celebration of Trees
April 25th + 27th
Poetry of Nature Walks for Kids
The heart of The Poartry Project is creating opportunities to share and experience stories in diverse voices through the power of poetry. The Poarty Project stands for the belief and experience that poetry is accessible to all, life is poetic, and there is a poet inside all of us that speaks not only through words.
The Poartry Project considers art to be poems in visual form. As an artist, I create both current and futuristic art that connects the dots of what unites us all and points the way to our shared noble destiny as stewards of a harmonized world.
Is your idea of heaven a library? Me, too! The Poartry Project loves books to the very core of its being, and I believe in the power of books and stories – in whatever form they take – to shape who we are and build loving worlds. I write and publish books. I illustrate books. I help other lives conceive and birth their books and stories into being as their Book Doula. And I share insights on the special books and stories I really love and why they’re significant.
Workshops + Mentoring
The Poartry Project loves helping people of all ages and experiences bring their voices to life through workshops, mentoring and inclusive, welcoming experiential learning adventures that make creative expression accessible, fun and a source of wellbeing. I believe that creating opportunities for the creative explorer spirit to come out and play is a key to happy humans, united humanity and a harmonized world.
Book Doula: Book + Story Birthing
As a “Book Doula”, I help others bring their stories to life. I lovingly and respectfully steward your stories from conception through birth into life as a book and other story forms with my unusually insightful energy-based forms of perception and understanding that get at the essence and “soul” of your story. I believe that helping lives share their voices is one of the greatest services there is.
Where you can keep up to date with scheduled and special pop-up events and happenings throughout the year.
Appearances + Press
As a storyteller, I thrive with the energy of others and seeing The Poartry Project’s mission of building loving worlds through loving words spread. Experience my story-sharing and The Poartry Project’s work through my TV, print and live presentation appearances.
Book for Sale
My debut book
Voicing Art: Poetry of Space | Place | Time
is now available!
Poetry inspired by works of art, the art of nature and the exploration of beauty, perception and insight through the cartography of the unseen.

Building a Loving World
Thanks for your continued support and love for King Street Center.
You are magical and have a huge heart!
Support This Work
Help The Poartry Project and founding poet-artist, JC Wayne, fulfill our mission of “building loving worlds through loving words and art” through expanding our donated workshops, mentoring, outdoor poetry adventures, fundbuilding benefits and books to communities and for-good organizations such as museums, arts centers, libraries, schools and youth programs.
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Keep up with all sorts of creative opportunities, events, prompts and news. We won’t share your data – ever.