cultivating our creative life

Garden of Good

Garden of Good

Our creativity needs abundant, nourishing and often healing spaces to grow. The act of being creative takes place in a world of constructs built up around what creativity means, a culture of critique focused on who is considered “good” or “talented”, and proscribed methods of creating. Structures, methodologies and technical training have their place, but in my case, one single very traditional art teacher in my arts high school repeatedly criticizing my art as talentless and passionless led to my innate early artistic expression and confidence being almost completely shut down into my 50s, when I thankfully rediscovered my youthful spirit. I am deeply moved by helping lives realize their creativity through my Garden of Good: a nourishing, healing, sacred space I have cultivated for sharing personal creative development services and community with guidance, encouragement, energy, practices and healing to open into creative life and liberate from the outer and inner things that inhibit creativity. I work with lives of all ages and experiences interested in exploring their creativity, liberating from what may be limiting it, cultivating a personal culture of creative experimentation and adventure, and trekking the creative life as a spiritual practice of existential enquiry and expression.

Garden of Good’s Unique Soil:
The World of Energy

I have come to experience that all of existence is a garden. Our entire planet is an outer garden, and I have an inner garden that I go to through meditative musing whenever I am inspired to create a new work of art, poem or illuminating story.

Garden of Good is the outer manifestation of my inner garden. I have always been an artist, working with visuals and words, but it was only when I became an Energy Artist awakened to the inherent creative currents and tangible ways to access those currents at will that the fullness of my creativity bloomed.

I worked for many years advising leaders in various professional fields – including presidents and ministers of countries and mayors of cities – to incorporate the elegant ecosystem of energies that envelopes, shapes and impacts the workings of our lives and world. As a long-range strategic futurist in Silicon Valley right when the Internet exploded into existence through the invention of the world wide web, I was known for having a preternatural capacity to forecast accurately, but I always chafed with the sense that there was something even more going on beyond data and history shaping events that I had not yet discovered.

In my trek around the world and through several careers seeking and discovering the universals that connect us all, I became an Energy Artist, adept in wielding the energy of words, visuals, ideas and behaviors consciously for good.

One of my guiding beacons is liberating creativity in all its forms through the infinite garden of existence, which is the reality that we are all energy, living in a world of energies, whose inherent nature is to create.


Step into the garden of your creativity.

As a Gardener of Good, I would love to help cultivate your creativity. Charting your creative purpose and course, exploring your loves and interests, dispelling creative blockages, discovering fields of creativity aligned with who you are and who you’re becoming, accessing your creative energy by knowing the unique set and ecosystem of energies you are working with, engaging the magic of your inner landscape and the realm of intuitive imagination, trekking your creative expression as your form of spiritual pathway – these are all ways I work with lives to cultivate their creative gardens.

It starts with a 1-hour free exploratory consultation.



Engaging your triple nature of being through a guided process, the Navigation Map of your creative energy and purpose that already exists within you is revealed. This map is a powerful and visually-beautiful concretizing tool that is completely unique to you. It works its magic to bring your creative spirit and practice to life. The more you energize your Navigation Map daily through your attention, the more it manifests, but even if you never look at it again, it has a way of making everything in it come true. Navigation Mapping typically takes 1-1.5 hours.


You are made up of centers of energy that shape and fuel your creativity. Your Centers of Energy Map maps the territory of you, providing you a deeper understanding of yourself and the tools with which you create. Understanding your centers of energy is a key initial step in tapping into creative inspiration and reservoirs at will. This map introduces you to or expands your already-conscious connection with a whole world and collaborating community of intelligences within you. Centers of Energy Mapping typically takes 1-1.5 hours.


Creativity expresses and flows in a distinctive number of currents. We are each working with a unique makeup of these currents, depending on our purpose, mission and fields of development and contribution this life. When we know our composition of creative energies that are our “lineage”, we gain greater insights into the particularly natural and resonant modes and mediums of creativity and also the sources of much of the inner and outer frictions or tensions we experience in our creativity and living. Currents of Energy Mapping typically takes 1-1.5 hours.


Our years are made up of a specific number of seasons of cyclic energies, each with their own purpose and qualities. Certain cycles bring highly dynamic outward creative activity; others are more internal and contemplative; still others are revelatory and inspirational; and others bring the creative tensions and existential “house-cleanings” that lead to breakthroughs. There are times to rest and times to produce, times to focus outward and times to turn within. Knowing and flowing with your distinctive energy cycles enables riding the creative wave to be “in the zone”. Cycles of Energy Mapping typically takes 1.5-2 hours.


The act of creating is meditation, whether you actively relate with that idea or not. Meditation is not just sitting still in a specific position, emptying the mind or riveting the attention. In fact, for many creative people who try meditation, they experience that it “doesn’t work”. Active creative lives have active minds, and active minds tend to get even more active when stimulated through meditation. This is good. Creative Meditations of the Energy Artist consciously and intelligently circulate energies through your energy centers with the specific currents of energy of your nature in flow with the specific seasons of your energy cycles.


The creator who has never experienced creative limitations is rare. The very definition of the creative experience is trekking into uncharted territory, often with a complete idea of where we want to go in our mind’s eye, but an incomplete picture of how we will get there. Even for the most well-known creators, almost all report experiencing that delectable and daunting trek of trying to translate out into the world what is perceived within. And some lives never set out into creative territory because powerful atmospheres of expectation and early life experiences of being supported or discouraged in our creative expression create ecosystems of creative limitation that can be released through applying energies. This is a way of the Energy Artist, and facilitating the healing of creative inhibition is one of the adept Gardener of Good’s key roles in cultivating creativity. A program of at least 4 one-hour Freeing from Creative Limitations sessions is recommended for those looking to free their creativity.


Looking for creative companionship, conversation and experience-sharing with conscious creators interested in cultivating good in the world and positive creative spaces? The Monthly Garden of Good Social is an online gathering to share your experiences creating, ask questions of each other and ask me anything as an Energy Artist and creative steward of Garden of Good. I’ll come to each Garden of Good Social Hour with a story of what I’ve been working on during the month, a snapshot of the societal and world energies, currents and cycles in motion and a creative prompt for those who wish to create during the social.


The Way of the Energy Artist Workshop Series plays with art and poetry interactively and organically to consciously engage with the energies and energy arts of abstraction, impression and intuition. Our current series is Cartography of the Unseen: Exploring Inner Territory in Paint & Words with the Temple of the Sun. Through palette-knife painting and writing poetry in response to the energies at play in the 10-part painting, Temple of the Sun, we take a deep dive into developing the faculties of the abstract mind, impression and intuition through conscious application of all of your energy maps – which embody qualities of the creative-at-will Energy Artist. Each workshop is 2 hours and may be taken individually or as the complete series. A completed Navigation Map, Centers of Energy Map, Currents of Energy Map and Cycles of Energy Map are pre-requisites for enrolling in the Way of the Energy Artist Workshops.


Things pop up in our creative lives. One-hour “anytime” consults are available to work through a particular creative goal, project, question or issue. It can also be a good idea to “tune-up” and lubricate your creative energy ecosystem from time to time with an assessment and supporting the condition and circulation of your energy centers. A monthly to quarterly energy tune-up rhythm can be good, depending on the intensity of your creative effort. At the least, once a year on or just before your birthday goes a long way in fueling your creativity for the year ahead.


For those creators who:

  • resonate deeply with the Creative Energy Mapping and the Meditations of the Energy Artist
  • are magnetized to the world and realm of energies beyond the form
  • realize that their creative purpose, practice and expression is their version of a spiritual path

    a 3-month program of 1:1 weekly creative cultivation guidance is available.  This program equips creators more deeply in the way of the Energy Artist to consciously wield the energy of visuals, words, ideas and behaviors for good as a way of life, being and creating.

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Garden of Good Pricing

My aim is to make Garden of Good pricing – or as I prefer to call it, “abundant exchange” – as straightforward as possible. Your time in the Garden may be a single visit, a few visits, situational dropping in or an ongoing sanctuary where you find both the enlivening and cloistered space to be with your creativity. For some lives of particular resonance, Garden of Good provides a life pathway as an Energy Artist centered around creativity for those who know or sense this as their purpose. My special skill is bringing an igniting energy through the engagement of your energy ecosystem and makeup, your universal triple nature of being and your capacity to connect with the intuitional realms and reservoirs of imagination and creativity from which all creative inspiration and ideas flow. It is possible to know how to get there and experience the reality that all ideas source from beyond ourselves in a co-creative cooperation between an adept “creative guild of gardeners” and our own unique creative individuality. This is the practice of the Energy Artist and the beginning of the realization of creativity as an existential and spiritual practice, pathway and purpose. I can assure you that for all I can do to support the cultivation of your creativity with a range of skills rare to find in one person, my pricing is an exceptional bargain and value. If you experience that my relationship and service with you as a “Gardener of Good” of the expanded realms is about way more than creating, a self-inspired flow of additional funds “abundant exchange” is always appreciated , but never obliged.

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