November 2020 Poetry of Nature Walk + Poems

Cape Henlopen State Park | Delaware

In November 2020, poetry explorers from Vermont, Connecticut and Australia enjoyed coming along as I walked at the pop-up surprise location of Cape Henlopen State Park in Delaware. It was a beautiful trek for exploring our writing theme of “clearing” and “amplifying” verse poems based on an existing poetic form (“diminishing” verse, which I prefer to call “clearing” verse) and one I created in response (“amplifying” verse).

In clearing verse, the first line ends with a word that will then have the last letter dropped in the second line, which will then have the last letter dropped in the next line, and so on. 

I reversed that formula in the amplifying verse, with a letter added in each line to the originating word in the first line.

SAMPLE CLEARING POEM | JC + The Poartry Project
The sun drops behind ridge in a blink,
the blazing pink a last fading link,
to the day darked by night’s umbral ink.
Hygge makes me think of heat
and the comfort-warming gladdening heart
radiating as life’s sun-giving hearth.
SOUND, SUN, & SPACE | Heather Swick | Sydney, Australia
To the sound we went.
Too much sun on my face.
Took me to a new space and place with visions of summers to come.
HENLOPEN | JC + The Poartry Project
Nature’s elegance expressed in pi
and the symmetry of a fruity pit
wrapped in the frilly frock of loamy pith
belies the prickly burr
sticking like a stubborn burro,
prickers emergent from their sandy burrow.

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