poemcity 2023 | montpelier, vermont
Hearts of Poetry
A PoemCity Public Art Installation by JC Wayne
with participation from 6 community weavers & countless poemcity Poets 2017-2021

Poems Made into Woven Paper Hearts
- 2018: Rhododendron, Blair Brooks, Norwich
- 2020: It’s Possible, Charles Rossiter, Bennington
- 2020: Advice from a Nasturtium, Lynn Parish Sutton, Burlington
- 2017: And No Bird Sings, Eleanor Kokar Ott, Calais
- 2020: Aging Faces, Amy Davenport, Montpelier
- 2017: Emerald Muse, Kaylin Lustig, Montpelier
- 2020: On the Lookout for Signals of Spring, Robert L. Lincoln, Jr., North Middlesex
- 2017: The Commute, Wilma Ann Johnson, Bennington
- 2020: Albedo, Matthew Day, Norwich University
- 2018: Good Luck, Joanne Mellin, South Burlington
- 2020: Untitled, George Lisi, Late of Woodbury (1952-2014)
- 2018, October 13, Scudder Parker, Middlesex
- 2018: The Car, Florence McCloud, South Burlington
- 2019: Camping Alone, Ralph Culver, South Burlington
- 2017: 04., Ashley Lafleche, Montpelier
- 2017: Mallais, 1901, Jamie Gage, Stockbridge
- 2018: Lost Melody, Hatsy McGraw, East Montpelier
- 2020: Little Fish, Lorrie Goldensohn, Cabot
- 2017: Empathy, Ashley Nunez, Burlington
- 2020: poem, aaliyah, Monthpelier
- 2019: Dryocopus pileatus, Anne Bakeman, South Burlington
- 2018: Holding the Light, Stuart Kestenbaum, Poet Laureate of Maine
- 2020: The Spirit of a Story, Jesse LoVasco, East Montpelier
- 2019: Wayside Shrine, Pamela Ahlen, Woodstock
- 2018: On Your First Birthday, Sarah Hingston, Woodbury
- 2020: Hammil Valley, Mo Katz-Christy, Montpelier
- 2020: I’m Gonna Let It Shine, Toussaint St. Negritude, Montpelier
- 2018: The Black Wolf of Your Past, Tim Mayo, Brattleboro
- 2018: Middle Ground, Julie Mendelsohn, East Dover
- 2020: The Songs Become My Home, Lisa Masé, Montpelier
- 2018: The Mill Road Rabbit, Harriet Szanto, Lincoln
- 2018: Birth of Flame, Ian Keene, Montpelier
- 2020: This poem has nothing to do with kitchens, Alexandra Kerrigan Smith, Montpelier
- 2019: Elegy for 100 Pianos, Rebecca McKeekin, Braintree
- 2020: while you’re lost in a maze of neurons, purple heal-all’s blooming all over the yard, Pamela Ahlen, Barnard
- 2017: I Wonder, Can You Tell Me, Where I Can Find the Kellogg-Hubbard Library?, Mary Elder Jacobsen, North Calais
- 2019: silent evening, Liz Benjamin, Adamant
- 2020: elixir, Nadya Bedford, East Montpelier
- 2020: April, Ina Anderson, Sharon
- 2017: Standing Rock, Miriam John, Worcester
- 2019: Vineyard, James Barrett, East Burke
- 2018: Hacks!, Brian Goodwin, Middlesex
- 2019: Falling Grounds, Dede Cummings, Brattleboro
- 2017: Winter Light, Ron Lay-Sleeper, Cabot
- 2019: In My Unknowing, Chard deNiord, Westminster West
- 2017: What the Years Do, Pamela Harris, Norwich
- 2020: Not Noise, Shannon B, Waterbury
- 2020: Feline Furends, Mallory Belleville, Montpelier
- 2019: Star-Speech, David Kahn, Calais
- 2020: Milkweed, James Crews, Shraftsbury
- 2020: Diverse Musical Taste, Susan Baucher, Warren
- 2018: To a Granddaughter in My Arms, Sydney Lea, Newbury
- 2019: Eighty-Four Years, Madeline Kunin, Shelburne
- 2020: Breakfast, Becky, Orange
- 2019: The Seed Catalogs, Yvonne Daley, Rutland
- 2017: Regression Therapy, Michael Jewell, Worcester
- 2019: I boarded a train at night, Nitya Brighenti, Middlesex
- 2018: Ode to the Geranium Forgetten in the Mudroom for Half the Winter, Which Froze Solid but Didn’t Die, Caitlin Gildrien, Leicester
- 2019: When Death is a Blessing, Ron Merkin, Montpelier
- 2017: Robin Unrest, Ruth A. Kennedy, Newbury
- 2019: Seasonal affective disorder, Callie-Lyn Dalley, Montpelier
- 2018: Must Fight Entropy, Dave Gram, Montpelier
- 2019: Enough to Go Around, Bradley Kukenberger, Montpelier
- 2017: Power of Intent, Victoria Irwin, Huntington
- 2019: Grandfather’s Lap, Judith Hishikawa, West Burke
- 2017: Icarus Painted | Gods Cry Acid Rain, Yuki Hall, Manchester Center
- 2020: Six Persimmons, Sarah Audsley, Johnson
- 2018: 13 Ways of Looking at Lake Champlain, Veer Frost, Passumpsic
- 2020: Waiting for the Monarch to Emerge, S. Atwood, East Montpelier
- 2020: The Bridges, Victor Densmore, Hardwick
- 2020: Early Light, Steven Augustus, Randolph
- 2020: Following the Brush, Whit Dall, Montpelier
- 2020: The Figure, Rita Bannerjee, Montpelier
- 2018: Night River, Sally Blanchard-O’Brien, Burlington
- 2019: No More Filters, Claire Longtin North, Manchester
- 2020: April Morning Near Roosters, Barney Beard, Jericho
- 2020: dawn, Bettie Barnes, Montpelier
- 2018: Generation, Sam Hewitt, Essex Junction
- 2019: Denver becomes an important part of the story…, Nico Amador, Bristol
- 2018: Dead Creek, Anne Bergeron, Corinth
- 2018: Visiting Day at Heartbreak House, Michelle Blake, Westminster West
- 2019: Luna (Please Leave the Cat Downstairs Tonight, Dear), Jack Rossi, Woodstock
- 2019: Sweet Decay, Sarah McGrath, Starksboro
- 2020: The Sky’s Blades, Abigail Dowsey, Warren
- 2019: That Kind of Day, Joanne Mellin, Winooski
- 2018: A Story, Avi Isaacs-Corcoran, Montpelier
- 2019: Self-portrait of a man running face forward into a wall, which he has been previously acquianted with, anonymous, Montpelier
- 2018: Starlight, Emily Herschberger, Hardwick
- 2019: Before Time, Janet Hayward Burnham, Bethel
- 2018: At the Guggenheim, or Working-Class Girl Meets Rothko, Nancy Hewitt, Swampscott, Mass., Vermont College of Fine Arts Alum
- 2019: The Serendipity of, Scott Boyd, Stowe
- 2018: Bittersweet Beekeeping, Alicia H. Hingston, Danville
- 2019: Are We Here?, Partridge Boswell, Woodstock
- 2019: Sensible Shoes, Anne C. Avery, South Burlington
- 2017: Why Feed the Birds?, Arthur A. Burrows, Guilford
- 2020: The Door, Mariessa Dobrick, Barre
- 2019: Petrarchan Sonnet, Louella Bryant, Lincoln
- 2018: Is It?, Dianne Laplante, Westfield
- 2019: Solstice, Mike Burgess, Lincoln
- 2018: Picaflore Gigante, Phyllis Larrabee, Greensboro
- 2019: Kamikaze, Wayne F. Burke, Barre
- 2018: A World of Purpose, Moni Liberman, Stowe
- 2019: Forest Ode, Stephen Campbell, East Montpelier
- 2018: October on Hunger Mountain, George Longenecker, Middlesex
- 2019: Translating Japanese joinery into dream, Anna Carey, Burlington
- 2018: Lake Union 2000, Louise LoRe, Plainfield
- 2019: clouser fly, Will Carr, Moretown
- 2018: Sea Glass, Anne Bower, South Pomfret
- 2019: While drinking tea…, Nancy Scarcello, Florence
- 2018: Ode to a Bee on the Small of Your Back, Partridge Boswell, Woodstock
- 2019: Saving Earth, Lindy Sayward, Randolph
- 2018: Clean White Shirt, Rachel Hadas, Danville
- 2019: Vogue: The maiden-crone issue, Gwenivere Roolf-Cluett, Montpelier
- 2018: Laughter-Song, Chelsea Blackwell, East Montpelier
- 2019: Portugal, Melissa Perley, Berlin
- 2018: Fatal Attraction, Julie Hand, East Calais
- 2019: What Is Metaphor For?, April Ossmann, Brownsville
- 2018: Waiting for the Rain, Chip Hedler, South Strafford
- 2019: Trans-Atlantic, Sherry Olson, Lake of Plainfield
- 2018: Some Days, Rosie Harper, Montpelier
- 2019: Nightfall, Sara Norton, Marshfield
- 2018: Fatality, Alice Wolf Gilborn, East Dorset
- 2019: Precious Nouns, Nicola Morris, Plainfield
- 2018: The Solitary Fish, Gail Grycel, Westminster West
- 2019: A Sonnet for the Vermont Village Coffee Shop, Julie Mendelsohn, East Dover
- 2017: I Tried to Write a Nature Poem, Ken Hebron, Guilford
- 2019: Spring, Marisa Melamed, Marshfield
- 2017: Kin, Carol Henrickson, Washington
- 2019: Rumination on Writing, Hatsy McGraw, Hartland
- 2017: Potter’s Love, Teta Hilsdon, Brattleboro
- 2019: Singing in the Silo, Margaret McFadden Smith, Georgia
- 2017: On Display, Michelle Holder, Waterbury Center
- 2019: Untitled, Elisabeth Mazzilli, Moretown
- 2017: On the Beach at Five, Lynn Green, Guilford
- 2019: In Memoriam – SVEA Camp Stove, Jack Mayer, Middlebury
- 2020: How One Moment Flew in All Directions, Jean Bentson, Jericho
- 2019: Trainspotting, Michael Madill, West Topsham
- 2017: The Goblin Queen Faints, Mary List-Wheeler, Barre Town
- 2019: Pine Forests, Antonia Mazzilli (age 10), Moretown
- 2017: Happy Woman Blues, Taylor Mardis Katz, Chelsea
- 2019: Untitled, Sandra Maccarrone, Greensboro Bend
- 2020: Expectations, Sarah Rejoice Brown, Essex Junction
- 2019: A moment in chime, Charlie Knowlton, Marshfield
- 2018: I was born in wind and rain, Kenneth Folta, Barre
- 2020: Champlain Valley: August Moment, Ann Cooper, Middlebury
- 2017: Five More Haikus, Nicholas Dentico, Middlesex
- 2020: For Jo – Renaissance Companion, Arthur Chickering, Plainfield
- 2018: Golden Delicate, Bill Drislane, Jericho
- 2020: Kindness, Deborah P. Chadwick, Burlington
- 2018: there is magic in the blank page, Carol Johnson Collins, Duxbury
- 2020: Monkton Harvest, Frances Cannon, Middlesex
- 2018: Hush, Joy Cohen, Burlington
- 2020: Sun, O Glorious Sun, Neil Callahan, Colchester
- 2018: Poetry like Rain, Conor Isaiah Cleveland, Montpelier
- 2020: Haiku Musings 2020, Cheryl Burghdurf, Middlesex
- 2017: Linda’s Daughter, Jamie Connor, Woodbury
- 2020: Thoughts with a Full Winter’s Moon (in part), Ea Burke, Brattleboro
- 2017: My late father, Nitya Brighenti, Cabot
- 2017: First Snow, Adam Rosen, East Montpelier
- 2017: Showdown with Mister Mittens, Shannon Blake, Wolcott
- 2017: Kind Words Mend, Patrick Robinson, Worcester
- 2017: Death Poem, Glenda L. Bissex, Plainfield
- 2017: The Crow, Greg Roberson, Northfield
- 2017: How Can I Love You Better, Kyle Barrett, Tunbridge
- 2017: Mowing, Sylvia Relation, Barre
- 2017: listen, cara barbero, Montpelier
- 2017: Winter Musings, Jane Ramos, Killington
- 2017: Hawk II, Anne Bakeman, Shelburne
- 2018: On Being Whole, Alana Phinney, Montpelier
- 2017: Selfie, Fred W. Bacon, Newfane
- 2018: The Grouse, Melissa Perley, Berlin
- 2017: The Poet Game, Sara Backer, Hollis, NH, VCFA student
- 2018: Walk on Winter, Anni Paisley, Montpelier
- 2017: Traveling, Lukina Andreyev, Brookfield
- 2017: On the Dark of Winter, Rebecca Post, Barre
- 2017: Sheet Music, Catherine Aarts, Morrisville
- 2017: In the Embers, Tiki Pirie, Montpelier
- 2018: Stop-Over, Pamela Ahlen, Barnard
- 2017: Villanelle for Airport Travel, Winter, 2017, L.T. Partridge, Montpelier
- 2019: The Listening Book, eva zimet, Montpelier
- 2019: Slow Spring, Yasi Zeichner, Northfield
- 2020: Memorial Day, Max Roland Ekstrom, Essex Junction
- 2019: Desk Cleaning, Oliver Zeichner, Northfield
- 2020: The Weight of Him, Laura Foley, South Pomfret
- 2019: questioning a sea swallow, Bianca Amira Zanella, Rutland
- 2021: Pandemic, Nadell Fishman, Poetry Contest Winner
- 2019: Rainbow Sunshine Waterfall, Neon Xebra, Montpelier
- 2017: Fish Wish, Lotta Suter, Berlin
- 2019: The All-Inclusive Need to Catch Snowflakes on One’s Tongue, Shyloh Wonder-Maez, Montpelier
- 2017: Hurrah, Dayton J. Shafer, Johnson
- 2019: Crocus, Michelle Wiegers, Bennington
- 2017: Springtime Green, Joy Seadeck, Worcester
- 2019: An Early Morning In The Big White Woods, Ulrike Wasmus, Calais
- 2017: Water We Are, Mary Scriber, Manchester
- 2019: Rite of Passage, Patti Wahlberg, Marshfield
- 2017: It’s Too Late to Change Me, Ted Schen, Middlebury
- 2019: Road Taken, Together, Dan Towle, Montpelier
- 2018: Companion, Marjorie Ryerson, Randolph
- 2019: She forgets me everyday, Tobe Tomlinson, Essex Junction
- 2018: Quilt, Meg Reynolds, Burlington
- 2018: Ripe with Joy, Lynne Walther, North Middlesex
- 2020: Gratitude, Rachel Funke, Morrisville
- 2019: Reminders, Cherie Staples, East Montpelier
- 2020: Sisyphus in Vermont, Michael Sherman, Montpelier
- 2018: Mr. Mallard’s Transient Pond, Gloria Dufield, Springfield
- 2018: State of the Union, Jeff Euber, Montpelier
- 2017: I Have Sat Where You Are Now, Michael J. Farrand, East Haven
- 2017: The Owl, Simon Walsh, Brattleboro
- 2020: Galaxies, Susan Reid, Montpelier
- 2019: Perfect Yoga, Harriet Szanto, Lincoln
- 2020: Crows, Jesse LoVasco, East Montpelier
- 2020: Ponderosa Pine, Aneila Lamb, Worcester
- 2018: bare branches, Bethanie Yeakla, Guilford
- 2020: Squill, Katherine Gibbel, Windsor
- 2020: A Night Walk in the High Desert, Ken Hebson, Brattleboro
- 2017: The Garlic Festival, Carol Cone, Dorset
- 2017: Nothing, Bill Forchion, Brattleboro
- 2020: Metropolitan, Rebecca Siegel, Thetford Center